Brasler Properties is a property developer specialising in brownfield and infill industrial and residential developments
In the United States, Brasler has successfully delivered over 4 Million square feet of Manufacturing and Logistics projects while strategically co-investing with similar reputable developers in other commercial property sectors. In Australia, Brasler enjoys a joint venture relationship with Adjani developing infill luxury strata residential and commercial projects.

Chris Brasler
Responsible for the acquisition and successful redevelopment of industrial properties in the United States and now focused on varied project deliveries in Australia and Asia, Chris specialises in transforming underperforming, aged or impacted property and buildings into successful highest and best use vibrant manufacturing facilities, distribution centres and residential living spaces.
Chris’s project sponsorship requires a firm commitment to the acquisition, due diligence, approvals process, financing, redevelopment, marketing and ultimate lease up or sales on behalf of institutional and high net worth investors.
property repositioning
We enjoy improving communities by delivering exceptional manufacturing, distribution and residential facilities while providing an appropriate profit to our investors.
Our History
Benjamin Brasler – Residential development, construction and property management in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Bob Brasler – Redirected the focus of the business to industrial development and brokerage.
Chris Brasler joins the team driving urban industrial sales and redevelopment of large corporate dispositions of brownfield sites.
Bob and Chris redevelop significant brownfield, former manufacturing sites into multi-tenant new manufacturing and logistics uses.
In response to market forces, Chris acquires and develops infill land sites for new manufacturing users.
First joint venture residential development in Australia culminates and industrial deliveries in the United States welcome several new logistics tenants and a major plastics manufacturer.
Advisory for an undisclosed global corporate client’s acquisition of land sites for 2.1M square feet of new production operations in the US, Northeast and Midwest.